Selasa, 26 Juli 2011

LISTENING (Analytical Exposition)


EDUCATION UNIT                             :         SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL
SUBJECT                                          :         ENGLISH
CLASS/SEMESTER                           :         XI / 1
MEETING                                          :         -
TIME ALLOCATION                           :         2 X 45 MINUTES

2.       Listening
Understanding meaning of short functional text and monologue in form of reports, narrative, and analytical exposition in context of everyday life context.

BASIC COMPETENCE                :
2.2     Listening (analytical exposition)
Responding meaning in monologue text that uses kind of spoken language in accurately, fluently and acceptable in context of everyday life in the form of reports, narrative, and analytical exposition.

To practice finding information in spoken monologue text in the form of analitycal exposition.

I.        INDICATORS                    :
Based on the spoken monologue text in the form of analitycal exposition, students are able to:
1.         find certain /factual information
2.         find detail information
3.         find implied information
4.         find general information

II.       MATERIAL                       :      Analitycal exposition entitled China Energy User (Enclosed)

III.      APPROACH                      :      Competence Based Approach
          METHOD/TECHNIQUE      :      Presentation and discussion

IV.     TEACHING PROCEDURES                :


·                Greeting and checking attendance
·                Informing the target of the achieved indicators
·                Giving Warm-up activities

Main-Teaching Activities

Oral Cycle

BkoF ( Building Knowledge of the Field)

·                Inviting students to share about the definition of analitycal exposition, its generic sturcture, and its social function.
·                Inviting students to share about the the lexicogrammatical  feature of analitycal exposition text and the vocabulary in context dealing with the text that is going to be heard.
·                Inviting students to imitate and repeat the pronunciation of the selected words or vocabularies.
·                Introducing students the examples of vocabulary-usage

Oral Cycle

MoT ( Modelling of the Text )

·                Students study the questions/the given options
·                Teacher plays on the audio file while students listen to it to get the answer from the given question.
·                Teacher and students discuss the answer together from the given question


·                Inviting the randomised students to sum up from the spoken monologue text that is in the form of analitycal exposition text into oral presentation
·                Checking the students’ learning progress
·                Giving motivation and the preview of the next meeting.
·                Closing and Leave-taking

V.      Equipment, Material, and Sources

Equipment                      :         LCD Projector, a unit of laptop, and a unit of speaker active
Material                          :         An audio file about analytical exposition text entitled ChinaEnergy User
Sources                          :         1.       Standard Competence of BSNP year 2006
                                      2.       Priyana, Joko. Riandi, Anita. and Prasetyo Mumpuni (2008) INTERLANGUAGE: English for Senior High School Students XI: SMA/MA-Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
3.       Look Ahead 2 for Senior High School Students

VI.     Evaluation

Type                               :         Formative
Form                              :         Written test
Instrument                       :         (Enclosed)
Scoring of
Cognitive (Listening)        :         (number of correct items/number of items) x 100
Affective                        :         -         Presence
-                 Participation
-                 Activism of English usage
-                 Accuracy of task completion

Kediri, May 31st, 2011
Approved by
Headmaster of State Senior High School 0 Kediri                               Teacher

MOH. KUSEN, M.Pd                                                                         DUWI PURWANTI, S.Pd
NIP. 19790718 200902 1 002                                                              NPM.

Enclosure (for Students’ consumption)
Handout of Listening (Analytical Exposition)


Building Knowledge of the Field (BKoF)
Act 1               :        First look at the pictures below and make a short analysis about them!

For Example :

China is one of the world's oldest civilizations. Prior to the 19th century, it possessed one of the most advanced societies and economies in the world; but through successive dynasties it then missed the Industrial Revolution in Europe and began to decline. In the 19th and 20th century, imperialism, internal weakness and civil wars damaged the country and its economy, and led to the overthrow of imperial rule.

A.                                                                        B.

Act 2               :        Study the following notes!

Analytical Exposition Text

Definition of Analytical Exposition
Exposition is a text that elaborates the writer‘s idea about the phenomenon surrounding.
The Purpose        : · to persuade the reader that the idea is important matter (by presenting arguments)
                                 ·  to analyse or explain “how” and “why”

Generic Structure of Analytical Exposition
1. A thesis        :    Introducing the topic and indicating the writer’s position
2. Arguments  :    Explaining the arguments to support the writer’s position
3. Reiteration  :    Restating the writer’s position

Language Features of Analytical Exposition
·         Emotive word (e.g.  : alarmed, worried)
·         Words that qualify atatements (e.g.  : usual, probably)
·         Words hat link arguments (e.g.  : firstly, however. On the other hand, therefore)
·         The use of the present tense
·         The use of compound and complex sentences.

Modeling of the Text (MoT)
Act 3               :        You are going to listen to a monologue in the form of Analytical Exposition. Before you listen to it, study the following words. Then pay attention to your teacher. He will explain the meaning of each word.

1.      China                        :  one of countries in East Asia that has the biggest population in the world.
2.      People                      :
3.      Population                :
4.      Energy                      :
5.      USA                           :
6.      IEA                            :
7.      Consumption            :
8.      Economics growth   :
9.      unreliable                 :
10.  emissions                 :

Act 4               :        You are going to listen to a monologue in the form of Analytical Exposition (Chin Energy User). Before you listen to it, study the following questions! Then after listen it carefully, answer the questions completely !

1.         Finding factual information from news item text (Question no. 1,7)
2.         Finding detail information from news item text (Question no.2,4)
3.         Finding implied information from news item text (Question no. 5,6)
4.         Finding the general information from news item text (Question no.3)

<= 1 / 7 =>
  1. When did the energy calculation happen?
    1.  in 1999
    2.  in 2009
    3.  in 2008
    4.  in 1998
  1. One of the factor China be the biggest consumer is...
    1. the population
    2. the area
    3. the circulation
    4. the solution
  1. The other key is about ...
    1. The impact
    2. China's social growth
    3. The necessity
    4. China's rapid economic growth
  1. The annual average in two decades is approximately....
    1. 15%
    2. 16%
    3. 10%
    4. 11%
  2. Which country that has been overtake by China?
    1.   USA
    2.   Australia
    3.   Japan
    4.   Korea
  3. What did the Chinese official said about the data?
    1. The data is unbelievable
    2. The data is unreliable
    3.  The data is desirable
    4.   The data is credible
  4. Who has reported the data?
    1. IAE
    2. EIA
    3. AIA
    4. IEA

Act 5               :        Now listen carefully to the monologue once again, and check your answer with the teacher!

Act 6               :        Now listen carefully the second records. Filling the blank the paragraph below by the record.

Protestors say they are just ordinary (1)                     workers and taxpayers who feel betrayed by the government's plans to put a price on carbon. They insist it would damage the economy and drive up the cost of living by making energy far more expensive.

Man 1: "There is a ground swell of people that have finally had a gutful."
Man 2: "Since the Labor government has come into this country, the union rules. We just cannot do it anymore. We have no more money left to pay the (2)                        ."

Reporter: The demonstrators have the support of the conservative (3)                      leader, Tony Abbott. He says that without a global carbon pricing agreement, Australian businesses would be less competitive:

Tony Abbott: "A one-sided carbon tax, a unilateral carbon tax is an act of economic self-harm."
Woman: "Here we have 12,000 signatures supporting action on climate change."
Man 3: "12,000. Fantastic."

Reporter: Supporters of the tax believe it will cut pollution in Australia, which is one of the world's worst per capita emitters of (4)                   gases, and will also encourage the development of a low-carbon economy.
The Prime Minister Julia Gillard says that opposition won't derail the plan:

Julia Gillard: "Now, I understand there's always going to be a variety of views in the community. We'll see that on display today, but pricing carbon is the right thing for our nation's future and that's why I am determined to do it."

Reporter : The Prime Minister hopes to bring in a tax on carbon next year, before introducing an emissions trading scheme as early as 2015. She insists that without these key economic reforms, Australia will be left behind by its (10)                       competitors.

Act 7               :        Now listen carefully to the monologue once again, and check your answer with the teacher!

Act 8               :        Retell the monologue in Act. 6  with your own words!

1 komentar:

  1. keren,,, it's very help me.... how can I download the audio?
