Minggu, 17 Juli 2011

READING (Report Text)


SUBJECT                        :         ENGLISH
CLASS/SEMESTER        :         X / 2
MEETING                      :         -
TIME ALLOCATION      :         2 X 45 MINUTES

5.       Reading
Understanding meaning of short functional text and essay text in the form of report, narrative, and analytical exposition in context of everyday life and in the use of accessing science.

BASIC COMPETENCE                      :
5.2     Listening (Report)
Responding meaning and rhetorical steps in essay text in accurately, fluently and acceptable in context of everyday life in the use of accessing science in the form of report, narrative, and analytical exposition.

TEACHING OBJECTIVES                  :
To practice finding various information in written essay text in the form of Report.

I.        INDICATORS                          :
Based on the written essay text in the form of report, students are able to:
1.             Identify specific or factual information
2.             Identify explicit detail information
3.             Explain meaning of selected words
4.             Explain meaning of reference-words
5.             Determine main idea
6.             Conclude implied information
7.             Conclude message of the text
8.             Conclude communicative purpose of the text
9.             Find another forms of report text from online source

II.       MATERIAL                              :         Report Text (Enclosed)

III.      APPROACH                            :         Competence Based Approach
          METHOD/TECHNIQUE           :         Presentation and discussion



·                Greeting and checking attendance
·                Informing the target of the achieved indicators
·                Giving Warm-up activities

Main-Teaching Activities

Written Cycle

BkoF ( Building Knowledge of the Field)

·                Inviting students to review about the definition of report text, its generic sturcture, and its social function.
·                Inviting students to review about the the lexicogrammatical  feature of report text and the vocabulary in context dealing with the text that is going to read.
·                Introducing students the examples of vocabulary-usage

Written Cycle

MoT ( Modelling of the Text )

·                Students study the questions
·                Teacher monitors and guides the students reading the text to get the answer from the given question.
·                Teacher and students discuss the answer together from the given question


·                Assigning the students to sum up the written  report text that has just been learned  into written summary
·                Assigning the students to find another type of report text in the internet (done as homework)
·                Checking the students’ learning progress
·                Giving motivation and the preview of the next meeting.
·                Closing and Leave-taking

V.      Equipment, Material, and Sources

Equipment                    :         LCD Projector and a unit of laptop
Material                        :         TORNADOS
Sources                         :         1.       Standard Competence of BSNP year 2006
                                      2.       Priyana, Joko. Riandi, Anita. and Prasetyo Mumpuni (2008) INTERLANGUAGE: English for Senior High School Students XI: SMA/MA-Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
                                      3.       Look Ahead 2 for Senior High School Students

VI.     Evaluation

Type                              :         Formative
Form                             :         Written test
Instrument                    :         (Enclosed)
Scoring of
Cognitive (Reading)      :         (number of correct items/number of items) x 100
Affective                       :         -        Presence
-                 Participation
-                 Activism of English usage
-                 Accuracy of task completion

Kediri, May 31st, 2011
Approved by
Headmaster of State Senior High School 0 Kediri                          Teacher

MOH. KUSEN, M.Pd                                                                 DUWI PURWANTI, S.Pd
NIP. 19790718 200902 1 002                                                          NPM.

Enclosure (for Students’ consumption)
Handout of Reading (Report Text)



Building Knowledge of the Field (BKoF)
Act 1               :        Answer the question orally!

1.      Have you ever heard about report text?
2.      What do you know about report text?
3.      Where do you usually find report text?
4.      Can you make it with your own hand?
5.      Do you know its generic structure?

Act 2               :        Study the following notes!

Report Text

Report is a text which presents information about something, as it is. It is as a result of systematic observation and analysis.
Information report consists of two main parts.
• General information                                                                                       
• Bundles of more specific information
The purpose :  
·         presenting information about something.
·         To generally describe the way things are such as a man-made thing, animals, plants, and so on.
Text Organization :
ü  General Classification : introduces the topic of the report such as the class or sub-class.
ü  Identification : give the shape /form, parts, bahavior, habitat, way of survival.
Language Features
ü  The use of general nouns (e.g. : koimodoes, computers, orchids)
ü  The use of relating verbs (e.g. : is, are, has)
ü  The use of present tenses (e.g. : komodo dragons usually weigh more than 160 kg)
ü  The use of behavioral veras (e.g. : snakes often sunbathe in the sun)
ü  The use technical terms (e.g. : water contains oxygen and hidrogen)

Act 3        :      Fill in the blanks by changing the verbs in branckets into the correct form of Simple Present Tense.

Crocodiles                    (1. be) rather ‘lizard-like’. They                   (2. have) long tails and the limbs                        (3. be) short and straddled sideways. Crocodiles                   (4. belong) to reptiles. The elogated crocodiles                 (5. be) probably the most distinctive features. The head                      (6. be) typically one-seventh the total body length of and the species                     (7. have) a narrow or broad snout.
Crocodiles                     (8. have) a ‘minimum exposure’ posture in water, in wich only the eyes, ears, and nostrils                     (9. lie) above the water’s surface. This ‘minimum exposure’ posture                      (10. have) obsiously been important to crocodiles thoughout their evolution. 

Modeling of the Text (MoT)
Act 4               :        Look at the picture below! Study the following things: the name of the school, the subjects learnt at the school, and the differences among them.

Act 5               :        Read carefully the following report. Then, check your understanding.

General education aims at producing intelligent and responsible citizens. It takes an active interest in the world around them. General education transmits cultural heritage and does not develop skills. All elementary education is general education. It gives pupils skills for their life, such as reading, writing, and duties of citizenship. They also receive instructions, such as geography, history, and science.
Vocational education aims at preparing persons for a job or profession. Most senior high schools in the United States offer both general and vocational subjects. Technical high schools teach technical subjects, such as automobile repair, carpentry, and electronics. They also teach some general education subjects.
Special education provides educational subjects for handicapped or gifted persons. About 2 million children go to special education for handicapped children in the United States. More than 300.000 students go to special education for gifted persons in the United States.
Most countries in the world give general and vocational education programs for adult. They develop a particular skill or hobby, such as reading, arithmetic, commercial, and professional training. These subjects are important for their career in the future.

(Adapted from Borrowman, 1977: The World Book Encyclopedia Volume 6)<= 1 / 7 =>
Act 6               :        State whether the statements bellow are true (T) or false (F). And support your answer!

1.      General education tries to produce good citizens.                                             (        )
2.      General education talks about the world around them.                                     (        )
3.      General education develops skills for life.                                                           (        )
4.      Reading, writing, arithmetic are life skills.                                                            (        )
5.      Good citizens have good moral values.                                                                (        )
6.      Elementary education teaches geography, history, and science.                     (        )
7.      Elementary education produces professionals.                                                  (        )
8.      Technical schools give technical subjects.                                                         (        )
9.      Automobile repair, carpentry, electronics are general subjects.                       (        )
10.  Special education only teaches gifted children.                                                  (        )
11.  There are more gifted children than handicapped children in the United States.  (        )
12.  Adult students get more skills than knowledge.                                                 (        )


Act 7               :        Find another type of report text in the internet!


Act 1
Based on the students answer

Act 2
The students atudy the notes

Act 3
1.      Are
2.      Have
3.      Is
4.      Belong
5.      Are
6.      Is
7.      Have
8.      Have
9.      Lies
10. Has

Act 4
Based on the students answer

Act 5
The students read the text

Act 6
1.      ( T )  Line 1
2.      ( T )  Line 2
     3.     ( F )  Line 2  ® General education transmits cultural heritage and does not develop skills.
4.      ( F )  Line 4   ® The life skills is reading, writing, and duties of citizenship.
5.      ( F )  Not in Paragraph
6.      ( T )  Line 5
7.      ( F )  Line 6    ® The professional is produces by vocational education
8.      ( T )  Line 8
9.      ( F )  Line 8    ®  It is technical subjects
10. ( F )  Line 10     ®  They also provides educational subjects for handicapped
     11.  ( F )  Line 11    ®  There are more handicapped children (about 2 million) than gifted children (more than 300.000)
     12. ( T )  Line 14

Act 7
Based on the students answer

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