Selasa, 26 Juli 2011

READING (Invitation)


EDUCATION UNIT                                          :           SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL
SUBJECT                                                         :           ENGLISH
CLASS/SEMESTER                                       :           X / 1
MEETING                                                          :           2
TIME ALLOCATION                                        :           1 X 45 MINUTES

STANDARD COMPETENCE                        :
5.         Reading
Understanding meaning in short functional text and essay text in the form of narrative, explanation, and discussion in context of everyday life and for accessing knowledge

BASIC COMPETENCE                                  :
5.1.      Reading (Invitation)
Responding meaning in formal and informal short functional text that uses kind of written language in accurately, fluently, acceptable in context of everyday life and for accessing knowledge

TEACHING OBJECTIVES                             :
To practice finding information in short functional text in the form of invitation

I.           INDICATORS                                      :
Based on the short functional text in the form of invitation, students are able to:
1.          find certain /factual information
2.          find detail information
3.          find implied information
4.          find general information

II.          MATERIAL                                           :           Short functional text (Invitation)
III.         APPROACH                                        :           Competence Based Approach
             METHOD/TECHNIQUE                     :           Presentation and discussion

IV.        TEACHING PROCEDURES             :


·                Greeting and checking attendance
·                Informing the target of the achieved indicators
·                Giving Warm-up activities

Main-Teaching Activities

Oral Cycle

BkoF ( Building Knowledge of the Field)

·                Introducing students the examples of invitation
·                Asking students to share about their experiences of invitation
·                Inviting students to read and share notes about the definition of invitation, its generic structure, and its social function.

Oral Cycle

MoT ( Modelling of the Text )

·                Students answering the questions/
·                Teacher and students discuss the answer together from the given question


·                Asking the randomed students to write the summary of what invitation is with  their own words
·                Checking the students’ learning progress
·                Giving motivation and the preview of the next meeting.
·                Closing and Leave-taking

V.         Equipment, Material, and Sources

Equipment                              :            LCD Projector, a unit of laptop, and a reference book.
Material                                    :            Short functional text about invitation
Sources                                   :            1.         Standard Competence of BSNP year 2006

VI.        Evaluation

Type                                         :            Formative
Form                                         :            Written test
Instrument                               :            (Enclosed)
Scoring of
Cognitive (Reading)              :            (number of correct items/number of items) x 100
Affective                                  :            -           Presence
-                 Participation
-                 Activism of English usage
-                 Accuracy of task completion

Kediri, April 16th, 2011
Approved by
Headmaster of State Senior High School                                                                 Teacher

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